Monday, March 16, 2009

Wedding Dinner

Blogging now as Keshia *points to cbox* is asking why all the videos and no updates.
Sorry, was having a video marathon hence the video spam.
Anyways, not much to say but the holidays are here.
Atleast for a week.
It's better then none,no?
Well, Saturday night went for a relatives wedding.
Sorry, but I don't really know who he is *inserts sheepish smile* or where it was held *hides*
The food was quite okay.
Dad said the food there is suppose to be good,
But apparently I think on that day as there was just too much to prepare for,
The food turned out to be too salty for some and tasteless for the others.
Oh well...
The performances were quite,
How should I put it?
They're not lame and not that great neither.
Average perhaps.
The two guys were quite gay as the dance moves were just plain GAY for two grown guys to dance to it.
Sorry, but I do not mean to insult.
But overall it's quite okay.
I don't really know most of the people that attended that day.
So, as you might already guess...
I felt quite misplaced there. XD
No pictures as I did not bring my camera.
Sunday, tuition.
As usual....
Nothing special about today either...
So Keshia, I have nothing to update about anymore~
Maybe some other day when I have interesting topics.
Oh and, my results suck!
What bout you guys out there???
I hope you guys do better then me.
And as for those that are still to get your results,
All the best!

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