Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today's Friday!

Usually I'd be really happy cause the weekends are here,

BUT, since it's a Friday on the week of my holiday it marks the end of my holiday,

Saddening, I know.

And worst, tomorrow is Flag Day.

I have to get out of bed at 6 or 5.50(?)

Sobs, and for two days too!

Jolene, your fault!! *throws pillow at Jolene*

But, I guess it would be fun? yes? no?

We'll see...

Sejarah and Geografi folio is so Troublesome! *curses*

Why oh why do we have to do it?

Oh yes, for the miserable 50 marks in PMR...*drops dead*

I'll be so glad when it's all over.

Well, back to my Geografi folio.

Buh bye~

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