Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tagged by Carmen

1. What your full name?
Yvonne Toh smtg smtg

2. Do I like my name?
Maybe,maybe not

3. How long have you liked the person you currently like?

4. Have you kissed anyone before?
yes,no,maybe,maybe not. is for me to know and for you to guess..XD

5. Did you cry today?
Yes! stupid idiotic brother.

6. What was you doing this morning?
Listening to my ipod

7. What are you doing an hour ago?
eating dinner

8. What are you currently doing?
rewriting my draft

9. Who was the last person who texted you?

10. Have you told anyone you love them today?
yeah! my aunty!

11. Do you miss anyone now?

12. Any plans for tomorrow?
painting at grandma's

13. What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
idiotic stupid heartless brother

14. Is there anyone you want to be with now?

15. Have you kissed anyone whose name start with letter "s"?
S???? why S???

16. Name someone who made you smile today.
hmmm....Edward Cullen?

17. Name a friend whose name start with "z"

18. Which one of your friends stay the closest to you?

19. Do you prefer to call or text?
text, cheaper and fun

20. Is your room messy now?
nopie, i just cleaned it up a few days ago while i was painting.

tag 10 ppl to do this quiz:
1. Jolene
2. Nicole
3. Melody
4. Eilyn
5. Samantha
6. Natasha
7. Winnie
8. Chia Yi
9. Chia Lynn
10. Shi Jia

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