Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Apple Ipod Touch


I have been receiving complaints from people saying that I have not updated in a long time.

Heh, sorry.

So, since I have nothing to blog about I will blog about the Apple Ipod Touch.

I got mine on the eight of december.

Went to queensbay early in the morning.

Went to Kim Gary for lunch.

Then headed to Switch to get my ipod.

Too bad, no stock.

So, the guy contacted Gurney's Switch to see if they have any,

Luck wasn't with me as they were out of stock as well.

The guy then said that they have it in Sunway Carnival Mall in Butterworth.

I begged by dad to go get it today,

And so, he paid the full price at Queens took the receipt and we were off to Sunway Carnival Mall,

Got there and quickly ran to Switch.

Oh, and there was where I got my dear beloved Ipod Touch.


It's the standard colour of black on the front and stainless steel on the back.

So,that's about it.

Jo,Keshia & Man : We either go to Jo's or you guys can come over and play with it,okay?

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