Friday, April 4, 2008


You build a wall around yourself,

Keeping yourself safe and sound away from the thundering clouds and screams of sorrow.

You build a nest of love,peace and harmony and sleep within.

Surrounded by wonder and harmony,no sorrow,no agony.

But when reality sneaks in....

The wall crumbles and sucks everything out.

Leaving you alone,in a state of sadness and despair.

Your protection of a sweet,peaceful and harmony surrounding have been snatched away.

Leaving you in the midst of reality....

Where thunder strikes and sorrow fills the air.

Where the leaving kills each other,

Where nothing is perfect,

Where people only suffer.

Rain pours down from heaven accompanied by thunderous thunder,

Blood spills every minute,every second of every single day.

You may fight to keep it out,

But it will always find a way back in,

To haunt you,to make you feel the sorrow of the world.

Where nothing is ever perfect nor smooth sailing.

And all you have,is yourself...

Reality leaves you feeling all alone,

Alone to face this cruel world...

To overcome everything by yourself.

No companion....

It's just you,and you alone.

This is.....REALITY!

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