Friday, January 25, 2008


Hi ya people~!

Today's quite erm...average. XD

Anyways,today had to go to school before 12.30 for library duty(lameeeeeeeeeeeee)

I got 2 juniors from 1P(tis yr last class)

1 of them is EXTREMELY lansi

The other one I ask her do door duty she stand 4awhile then run away,get her back then she run away agen!

Ish....Thank god Shir Pheng is on the same day as me or else if I had to pick any of those two PEOPLE to be my penolong I wud have died!

Okay,moving on....

BM was erm,lagi lame...

We had to read Kapten Hassan AGAIN,

When I have already finished it!!!

R was being so damn beng throughout the time our group had to take turns to read Kapten Hassan!

Whenever it reaches her turn she will sit there and stare at us until we start screaming at her.

English was well...English.


Wen out early for recess bcause I had library duty agen during recess,

Those two people didn't come out exactly on time for recess but it's not like i care,

In addition to that!

Only ONE of those TWO people showed up,

And the ONE that showed up was freakin LATE!!

Gracious,how am I to stand them till the end of the year....

Science was interesting...

Passed notes or more like notebook with Lyn,

We were talking bout very 'RANDOM' stuff,lol...

And maths was hillarious!!!

Just bcause of a BEE people were screaming and running all about in class!

It was extremely funny!

Oh.and yesterday teacher(Pn Marsila) thought Ya Lun(on my ruler) was Micheal Wong.


Tats all for school!

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