Thursday, January 31, 2008

A balanced day of good and bad

Hey peeps...

School was sucky today!

I had to be in school b4 8 for sports practice and after that we had RC meeting that ended at 10.30

I dun wanna march!!!

But those that marched last yr has to march agen this yr!!!


Ms Lucy Soon's enligsh is still...ugh!

We managed to decorate the class today!

Not trying to be perasan but the class deff does look nice!

I like what we did with the 'ang pows' with everybody names on it!!

It's so cool!!!


Anyways,after school I wen to Queensbay!

Shopped around for awhile,

Bought three mags,YG,COLOR & FANS

Oh oh and and..


Reasons are stated below.

Cover of YG issue 297
Wee~! Complimentary poker cards!!!
Assorted artiste on the poker cards!

Ya Lun as King of Hearts! (I know he's the king of my heart!! Muahaha)

Jiro as Queen of Spades

Wu Zun as Ace of Hearts

Calvin as Jack of Spades
Selina as 10 of Clover
Hebe as 8 of Clover
Ella as 9 of Clover

Ppl,u tell me,

If you were to do handmade CNY decorations,

what will you do?

Obviously it's the fishes,the lantern and the spiral thing,rite?

I mean,CNY handmade decorations are so damn limited.

And if u scan the school,i bet plenty of classes will hav the same thing!

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