It's been a long time since I last really updated a real post.
*points to videos and pictures and random gibberish in the posts below*
I apologise.
Anyways, let's get on with this or I will revert back to my gibberish state. *blabbering rubbish*
So, well, I've been sick for the past week and am still sick at the moment. *sneezes*
First off, last Wednesday was as typical as any other Wednesday.
Things were smooth sailing until after recess.
Apparently during recess or after since I don't have the same recess as others....
But anyways back to the point.
During recess I bought a plate of spaghetti that tasted fine at first but started to taste really weird with every following bite.
Nonetheless, I finished it off for the sake of RM2.
And guess what, I started feeling really sick after that.
We were suppose to have a Red Crescent meeting after school from 2 to 3 but I couldn't take it anymore.
I was feeling really sick so I called my mum.
Turns out as the doctor says I've got food poisoning.
Oh, how 'lucky' I am. *sighs*
Well, let's just say it was definitely not a pleasant memory.
So, the next day early morning about 6.15 to 6.30 mummy woke me up.
She felt my forehead and it was burning (literally)
Took my temperature and it was a hundred and one point five degrees.
Whoopee~~~ NOT!
Quickly took a panadol and rest till about ten or so.
Paid the doctor a visit.
He said it was just the common flu, no need to worry, no need to fret.
No H1N1 here. *wipes sweat*
So, lived on bread and panadol (joke, I don't eat it like chocolate)
For the next few days, the fever come and go.
Mostly I'll be fine in the morning and early afternoon.
Once it reaches evening, the fever will return. *sighs big sigh*
And sudden spots of (disgusting) red rash appeared on my leg. *slaps forehead*

It's like I'm about to die with all this sickness coming one after another.
Seriously what's with all this germs in the air. *starts killing germs....yeah right, like I could*
So, that's my week so far.
One word can describe it all.... SICK.
Aish.... miserable oh miserable.
And trials are only in 20 days time. *Faints*
Curses to whoever set the date so near.
Other school whom are smart enough to not buy the papers from the Education Ministry are only having it during early September
We, so called 'smart' people had to buy the papers from the Education Ministry and have ourselves suffer having it on August 10th.
What more, even the SPM trials are on the same date, crazy much?
And so, I wish all that are going to have their test, exam, trial or UPSR (don't fret, it's pretty easy) all the best and good luck.
Signing off
PS ; I won't be online often now until October after my PMR so if there is anything important please text me instead.
Until then, stay healthy!
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