Sunday, January 4, 2009



Sorry,late update

When to Queens yesterday with bro and mum,

Dad dropped us off at about one,

First stop Jusco,

To visit my dear cousin,

Then, Secret Recipe for lunch,

Walked to a so called shop outside Elle,

Loads of bag on sale,

Bought a bag and a pair of sunglass.

Then, bought a lipgloss and mousse eyeshadow from Elianto,

They are having sales too.

Elianto, naturally beautiful~


Love thier stuff!

Walked around a little more with mum,

Then I met Nicole and her family,

Her brother is absolutely adorable!

Anyways, then we went to Haagen Dazs,

Chocoholic is my choice.

Absolutely delicious.


Went upstairs to a handicraft section,

They had DIY lamps up for sale,

Really beautiful,

I bought one and they thought me how to assemble the thing,

No fee needed.


Then, dad came along and then we went for dinner.

That's all.


Pictures will be in a later post.


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