Thursday, October 16, 2008

Last day of death week~


It's finally the last day of death week!!!

*Dance a happy dance*

I'm so happy~

I'm finally going to be free right after my History paper today!

Okay, well exam still on,on Monday.

But, who cares!

It's just stupid sivics and art.


Well,today's papers are BM 1 and History.

I hope I do well,

I seriously want to remain!!

*Prays to god*

I hope my geography and history marks improve!


Oh,and yesterday after geography paper we all went home and at the field Jo turned around and looked at something in awe so I looked....

And woah....

There was a really pretty rainbow there.

Surprise is it hasn't rain in the whole day.

You could clearly see the rainbow and every streak of colour,

It was magnificent,

Too bad I did not have a camera with me.

If I did it would be awesome.


So, let's take that as a good sign that everything would be smooth sailing then....

Atleast I hope.


Anyways, going to study History,


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