Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Life after death....heaven?

I swear I'd blow my brains out one day!!!


What's the point of living when it's just as horrible as dying.....

Or maybe it's even more torturing then dying!!!

Seriously, I think living on earth is just as torturing as life after death and maybe it be better as well.

God knows why we even live on earth for!

It's a god damn shit ass good for nothing world!

It's so damn torturing I'd gladly leave it behind!

The people in the world and all....ugh...

Sometimes, I just feel like pulling out a gun and pulling the trigger to finish it all up.

It's always better then facing this fu*k ass world straight up!

Life on earth is not life at all.

Nobody ever understands you and some don't even take the time to!

You might as well be all alone on earth although there are about a million other people living on it!

Every single person is selfish and uncaring,so why bother to carry on?

Life can stop right now and I won't give a damn!

I now wonder why I was always so afraid of death, it's actually a blessing in disguise!

To be rid of this life is like throwing off a freaking boulder from your shoulders!

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