Let's see where should I start.
Haven't been blogging properly for more then a week.
Anyways, let's start from Saturday.
Morning woke up early, don't know why!
Daddy bought McDonald's big breakfast home for me and my bro.
Ate happily!
After that went down to grandma's place for lunch.
Bought take away from '5 Star'
Later on around 3 to 4 daddy came home from his lunch meeting and went to Gurney Plaza.
I was looking high and low for Theresa Fu's My Cup Of T and Smiling album,
Too bad, I can't find it anywhere.
Oh well, nevermind then.
About 6 to 7 went to Penang Swimming Club for dinner.
Dad said there's a new German restaurant there named Ingolf or something like that.
Food's good I guess.
Just ate the meatloaf,
I don't really like German food.
Took some pics of the place for fun.
Been there so many times but never thought of taking pics till that day.

On Sunday after tuition I went over to Steph's at around 4.10 or so,
Chin Ying,Rivinika and Sankeri was already there.
We were there to finish our art project.
Sankeri was using a sponge to paint the 'cupboard'
It was really hilarious.
Chin Ying was the only one wearing a CGL t-shirt.
Steph's bedroom was covered with a whole lot of Prince Of Tennis posters and stuff.
It's like an anime shrine.
Neways, here's some pics!

Today nothing much to do.
Went down to grandma's place and had lunch.
On the way fetched my two cousins down as well.
We ate yummy~ yummy~
Dinnertime mummy cooked fried rice for us to eat~!
It's so really yummy~!
Neways nothing much to say already.
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