School was holding it's prize giving day so afternoon day off!
My cousin was driving.
Although she kind of 'doesn't like' to use the break(which is freaky)
But her driving skills are good.
First thing we bought when we reached was doughnuts from missy doughnuts.
None for me actually,
It's bought to fill my cousin's tummy.

It's really YUMMY!
No picture though.
And we saw clowns,
One of them was on stilts.
And well as some of you might know I HATE AND I'M AFRAID OF CLOWNS!
And something freaky kind of happened but I won't go on just ask me if you want to know.
So then we were in borders and we saw Jodi Picoult's latest book Change Of Heart,
Really good book!
You guys should get your hands on it.
Anyways, in borders they were kind of having a SALE
Buy two or more fictional books and get 20% off.
I was dying to buy Change Of Heart but I have to buy two books to get 20% off?
It's a little wrong on the equation.
So in the end we went down to Popular to buy.
Because I have got a Popular Student card so I get a discount with just buying one book.

I just can't put the book down but I have to as 2nd mid term test is approaching.
Wish me luck!
Neways we headed back after buying KFC's Twister for my mum.
It's delicious actually.
Anyways on the way home at the outdoor carpark of Queensbay there was some kind of convention going on.
Took some pics.

And I took a random picture of my cousin driving.
She seems....relaxed?
Anyways,I have to sign off now.
Want to finish my book as soon as possible!
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