Monday, March 31, 2008
Official Notice
No sleep for me...
I can't friggin sleep!!!
I'm busy thinking about FT Island and their so called fans.
Ugh,my bloody brain won't take a rest!!
And to think I use to say I'll never fall in love with FT Island,
No wonder people say "never,say never"
Now I'm just slowly falling under their charms...
And some friggin Primadonna's that don't deserve to be Primadonna's spoiled my sleeping mood!(don't laugh!)
Primadonna's will always back you up!
Stop Accusing!!!
I'm still in the mood to sulk over this but apparently I can't!
People that claim themselves to be 'fans' of FT Island are now bashing them like nobody's bussiness,
Some are even pointing fingers at them and accusing them of being the cause of the cancellation.
How far can this get?
1. FT Island was more then excited to perform at the concert.(You would know that if you read the results of the press conference and if you'd actually listened to them on 988)
2. Would any artiste crash their own concert?
3. Everybody knows that FT Island love their fans a whole damn lot! So,do you think they would want to dissapoint their fans?
4. Hong Gi was grumpy during the autograph session,so what? He lost something after getting off the plane and I think he's dead beat tired from all the preparations.It's a tough life being an artiste!
5. The boys were rushing onto the plane yesterday because they thought they were late!But actually the flight delayed for about half an hour.
6. God gracious,wait for the press conference/release before you people go on a rumour spreading spree will you???
I mean,it's time to be thinking rationally instead of pointing fingers around!
Whatever the reason was that caused the cancellation,I'm sure will be told soon(i hope)
So,please just be patient!
FT Island needs our support now and not a whole new mountain of problems regarding their fans turning into anti-fans or anything else!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
FT Island has left Malaysia!
members have confirmend that FT Island has officially left Malaysia in a flight leaving for Korea at 1am in the morning.
desperate fans stood waiting at the airport after receiving news on their plan to return to Korea.
and some fans were there to confirm if it was true.
as stated,fans managed to send FT Island off but apparently the boys were in a big rush and were running with all their might.
Min Hwan was seen being the grumy one today..
This just isn't what's suppose to happen!
Fans Dissapointed over Cancelled Concert
Many fans are shocked and in disbelief that the FT Island 1st Live in Malaysia concert has been cancelled.
Some fans got wind of the cancellation at around 4pm, just three and a half hours before the curtain rises!
Fans are still hanging around the entrance to the concert venue, praying that the situation will change. They are hoping that the F.T. Island boys will miraculously show-up.
“We are here because we are hoping things will change. Maybe they could just appear and lip sync or something…anything,” says Nur Aliyah who is there with 5 of her friends namely Amelia, Aqilah, Farah, Nur Aliyah (yes they share the same name) and Mimi.
Aliyah (the 1st one) adds: “We only ever get to see them on the Internet and this was our chance to see them in the flesh! We are very disappointed. We are Malaysians, we live here…can you imagine how the fans from other countries must feel? They come all the way from Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia….We want to know why this happened?”
However, the girls strongly believe that FT Island is not at fault. Word on the grapevine is that the FT Island management and local organisers C.I. Entertainment had a fallout and the boys’ management is preventing them from performing.
It is said that the management is extremely dissatisfied with the arrangements made by the local organisers. They are unhappy with the hotel (Grand Millenium) and venues of the events (Izzi Restaurant for the PC and Party House for the Global Fan Meet/ Birthday Party).
Amelia says, “We are understanding fans. We don’t want to mogok (protest) or anything like that. Also, we don’t want FT Island to be blamed for this. We know it is not their fault.”
Unofficial story
The only C.I. Entertainment rep at the concert venue refuses to comment on the situation. However, the person divulges that the FT Island boys are still in Malaysia, but the concert is cancelled. The person politely asks K-popped! to wait for the official press release.
Strictly hearsay, fans inform us that C.I. Entertainment had pleaded with FT Island’s management from 8am to 2.30pm today (March 30) to continue with the concert.
When the Korean management still refused to give in to their plea, the local organisers attempted to dupe the manager to appear at the concert venue to explain things to the fans.
They lied that they were taking the person to the airport, but the manager discovered their ruse and jumped out of the car.
Again, we stress that this is hearsay. Neither C.I Entertainment nor the Korean management has commented on the situation.
From across the border
An FT Island fan from Singapore, who wants to remain anonymous, says she is extremely disappointed. She only discovered about the concert cancellation when she arrived at the venue.
“We would like to know the reason behind it. They (FT Island) are already here and the concert venue has been set up. Why cancel? After all, they are only here for one concert.”
The Singaporean fan is part of the group that bought the fan package, which includes the Global Fan Meet/ Birthday Party with the FT Island boys yesterday (March 29). She informs K-popped! that yesterday’s event was almost cancelled as well.
“The Global Fan Meet was almost cancelled. We waited for about 6 hours before FT Island turned up. They finally managed to persuade the boys to show up at the last minute. This delayed the fan meeting and autograph session later in the afternoon.”
K-popped! is saddened by how things turned out, especially for the fans who have been anticipating the concert. Below is a video of the fans calling for the concert to go on.
credits :
news & video @
FT Island concert in Malaysia CANCELLED
News just in. The FT Island 1st Live in Malaysia concert has been cancelled.
K-popped! got the news from the grapevine and sent a message to a representative of C.I. Entertainment, the organiser of the event, asking whether the news is true.
The reply, in an SMS read: "Yes is cancel. I don know wat's the reason. cuz is a direct msg from my directors..we r very sorry about this."
Stay tuned for more updates.
Happy Birthday Melody!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I Love Ya Kimmy!
It's okay that you didn't get Hong Gi,Jae Jinnie,Min Hwannie and or Won Binnie's auto.
Atleast I got jong hun's,right?
It's one down and only four more to go.
It's just that their company was a real cheat.
Increasing album price was one thing.
But everybody only get one member's autograph?
That's just plain unfair!
But Kimmy,thanks for making so much effort to get me atleast one of their auto.
Although you walked pass Jae Jinnie and that must have made him feel rejected and you tried to get Hong Gi's for me.
But you didn't it's still a great effort.
I love ya!!
And I can't believe Min Hwannie actually wore glasses there!
Once again,thank you Kimmy and I'm sorry for making you wait from 10 to 4.


This is for Chloe
Her Jae Jinnie.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Today when to school early in the morning for gotong-royong.
Me,Jo,Mun and some other people were placed under Pn Latha to help clean the hall+prefect room.
But me,jo,vi and mun got hall.
Lisa got prefect's room.
Well,first we were assigned to our duties.
Jo was sweeping,
Vi was mopping,
Me and Mun were well....wiping???
After 'wiping' for quite awhile.
I ended up climbing up windowsills to remove the dusty and by dusty i mean REAL dusty curtains,
And there were cobwebs as well.
Thank god no spiders though.
Anyways,back to removing curtains.
In the process of removing the curtains I got my hair dust coated,
My hands black and filthy with strings of cobwebs attached,
Lastly,I got myself edging across windowsills for almost an hour with my back against the window where the sun is shining in.
That was not very fun.
The seniors were so damn f***ed up!
Teacher ask them to do something they will come to us and say,
"Teacher ask you all to do this and do that"
They're so irresponsible!
I swear when I become a senior I won't be as heartless as them!
Bad people!
Oh,and Cherylene's trainee Bio teacher,
I don't know what's her name..
She speaks so soft!
I was up on the windowsill and I just finished removing the curtains.
She stood there and said something but I couldn't hear,
So, I leaned over abit to hear what she was saying and yet I still couldn't hear,
So,again I leaned over abit and I almost slipped and fall off the windowsill!
Thank god I regained balance in time or I wouldn't be sitting here typing this!
After that I didn't want to lean over anymore so I told her to speak up cause I can't hear her.
And so she did...
Guess what she wanted me to do...
"Please tear the papers down"
Apparently,they stuck black sugar paper against the windows for some reason and so I had to get to work pealing the papers down again while standing on the windowsill.
But overall,it was all quite fun.
In a way,whatever occasion CGL holds,
No matter how bored it's suppose to be,
It will still end up fun.
Oh,oh and after gotong-royong form 1 and form2's had to go to the hall for a motivation talk.
The teacher asked us to write.
1.full name
2.IC number num,dad's num,mum's num,own num
4.the four person you love most.
5.was it your top 10 friends?
After this all I forgot ad ler.
For kelemahan diri I wrote perasan as one of it.
And Claudia wrote suka membuli Bugis.
See what I mean by the lamest of occasions when held in CGL always turns out full of fun?
Well,I should stop crappin already.
Buh byez!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I'm Sorry
I'm sorry and I know I'm a big dissapointment to you,
22 out of 38 in class is not good enough,
It's not the results I want neither,
I understand that you put great expectations on me,
Since I was in primary 1 you have always expected the best from me,
And till today I still fail to fulfill your expectations...
Maybe I don't deserve you as my mother...
You always give me the best while all I can give you in return is just dissapointment.
I've always said I'll try my best...and I did.
But I'm just borned this way,
A failure for my whole life.....
Wouldn't it be better if I was borned dumb?
This way,you wouldn't have to put so much expectations on me and you wouldn't be dissapointed.
How I wish this would all just end here,
If only my life would end here....
I always try to fulfill your expectations but I just can't!
My results are never outstanding...
And the end result always ends up in dissapointment.
I'm really sorry for not able to be the daughter you expect me to be.
I too apologise for bringing you feelings of sorrow and dissapointment through out the fourteen years of my life till now.
But maybe sorry won't help but that's the best I can do for now.
Once again,I'M SORRY.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Horrible Monday!
Of all times in the world to start raining it had to be when we're all going home!
And every single surface of the school ground was covered with ankle deep water!
And I totally forgot my umbrella...
So,I ran to the staff room and outside I saw Pn Zainab so I quickly ask her if she has extra and she said NO!
And then she ask me where I'm waiting and I told her over the other side.
Dear Ms Teh heard that and told me,"Then you follow Pn Gwee la" and I just stared at her dumbly.
She then said "You follow me to my car then you take the umbrella"
May god bless Ms Teh!
My saviour from being drenched from head to toe.
So then I followed her to her car through all the cold and murky water!!!
Water went into her shoe and also mine,
So we ended up with wet and soggy shoes..
And that felt extremely uncomfortable!
And the squishy sound didn't make things feel any better...
They deffinietly have to do something about the drainage in the school compound,
Or else whenever it rains students will have their shoes drenched and maybe water might leak into the teachers cars.
Okay,I have got to go and finish Sathia's karanagan for her or I'll be in trouble tomorrow.
Buh byez!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Nokia 5610 Xpress Music

Key Features :
-Get to your songs faster with Music Slider key
-Enjoy crystal clear sound with dedicated audio-chip
-Play up to 22hours* of music using headset
-Watch high quality videos at 30fps
Power Management :
Standard Battery : BP-5M 900mmAh
Talktime*: Up to 6hrs
Standby Time*: Up to 320hrs
Music Playback Time*: Up to 22hrs
Hey there everyone!
Remember the post I made earlier about buying a new handphone?
Well now I have already bought it!
Yes,instead of Nokia 5300 Xpress Music I got myself Nokia 5610 Xpress Music(Black & blue)!!
It's a total beauty!
And I bought it for RM740 after trading in my Nokia 3230.
I'm so darn happy at the moment~
And I was already opting for Nokia 5300 Xpress Music.
Who would have thought I would be able to get this!
I'm feeling over the moon.
Friday, March 21, 2008
FT Island's Refreshment Album

I friggin want it now!!!
Too bad it's only available in KL.
1) rock corners @ midvalley
2) rock corners @ one utama(Sold Out)
3) My Star Collection Trading @ 05-36 Berjaya Times Square(KL) +60162512093 [Lim]
4) My Star Collection Trading @ G Floor Mahkota Parade(Melaka)+60162123238 [wendy]
Price : RM 81.90
Comes with : CD of 16 songs , photobook, postcards AND NO POSTER.
I want it so badly....
Kim_my* have you got me mine???
I'm so darn desperate for it!
Do tell me when you have bought it,okay?
And FYI, the albums are selling like hot cakes.
So grab your album as soon as possible!
Random Update
I'm like so friggin board at the moment.
Seriously I should be updating my fan fic but I ain't got any ideas so that has got to wait.
Apologies to my dear readers but you have to live with the fact that I'm an extremely slow and lousy author.
I'm going to get a new phone tomorrow,
Of course with the budget I have it won't be anything fancy,
The target at the moment is a kinda old model.
Nokia 3500 :

It's about RM600 to RM700 which means it totally fits my budget.
But,truthfully I actually have got my eyes on....
Nokia 5610 :
As beautiful as the phone looks the price looks even better.
It's more then 1k and that equals to a busted budget.
So,it's a no no...
Oh well,atleast getting a phone is better then getting nothing at all,right?
But,I ain't so sure if I would come home with that phone tomorrow,
Cause things might change.
Lolx,if you know what I mean.
Well,enough crapping for now~
Buh byez!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
New Blogskin & Pictures

My fav pic among all!
Red Crescent Marching Squadron For The Year 2008!
It's still incomplete as a few of them aren't in it.
Picture credits to Nicole.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Today, we had our sports day.
It was a whole lot of fun,
I don't know why but it just seems fun to me for some reason unknown to me, lolx..
Thank goodness I did not ask my mum to bring me to school before 7 like Jolene asked us to,
Because then I would be forced to kill her.*glares at Jolene*
Anyways,I did not participate in any running or whatever except for marching.
Okay,I've gone nuts.
So,first the march past.
I seriously don't upderstand how the 'Kadet Polis' and 'Kadet Remaja' can march so perfect,
And by perfect I meant PERFECT!
The 'senam-robik' was well,
Erm,very erm....something.
And then, after that there was running,and more running.
Then time for break,
I went to collect my Domino's Pizza.
But,the stupid Domino's Pizza person hasn't brought all the pizza's yet,
So I didn't get mine on time!
I had to wait for quite some time before I got it.
That really got me pissed off.
Unprofessional pizza delivery guy. Tsk,tsk...
Okay,forget bout that.
Let's move on.
After eating the pizza(I shared with Rebekah) around 11.25,
RC marching members assembled and got ready for the ending ceremony where we have to march again,
Cherylene was suppose to be there at 11.15 cause Jo said she ain't punctual,
Lolx...but in the end she came at 11.29,
After waiting a few long minutes,
It was finally time to march and end the ceremony!
Guess who won the Best March Past Performance(Uniform Body) ?
No,not RC although I wished it was us...
Yup,'Kadet Polis' got it.
And they started screaming and crying that we all got a shock.
As for Best March Past Performance(House),
Blue house got it!!!
Yay for blue house!!!
Oh,and Red house finally after 9 solid years of being last broke free and climbed up to 3rd place.
Yellow got first,
Then Blue,
Then Red,
And lastly,Green.
Okay,enough of my crapping.
Cause if I go on....It can take all day.
Pictures will be updated later on.
-Signing off-
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Time passes so fast!!!
School reopens tomorrow,
And I'm not ready for it...
Sobs sobs....
I don't want to go back to school!
I want to stay at home!
1 week is too short!!!!!!
And I have marching tomorrow,
What a nice start to the week school reopens....NOT!
It's 3 days in a row that I have to wake up early...
And I friggin can't sleep at night this few days!
School....who's bright idea is this???
Cause I would gladly 'thank' that person!!!
The same goes to the creator of mathematics!
Stupid people...
Making us teens life so miserable...
-Signing off-
Saturday, March 15, 2008
002. Nickname: Vonne,Ching Ching (mummy call wan le...swts)
003. Married: What do you think? Of course I'm nt married...
004. Male or female: Female
005. High school: Convent Green Lane
008. College: I'm nt old enuff to enter college
010. Short or long hair: Short
015. Are you a healthy freak: Not really...
016. Height: more than 166cm
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Now,NO!
018. Do you like yourself: Duh! It's a love urself thing.lolx
019. Piercings: Ears
021. Righty or lefty: Righty
022. Surgery: None,thank goodyness!
023. Piercing: EARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS(2nd time asking the same ques)
024. Person you see in the morning: Mummy
025. Award: Eh....Interclass netball comp 2nd place
026. Sport you join: Sukantara,lolx...STD 1
027. Pet: Therapine ( i dunno how to spell le)
028. Vacation: Australia? (I'm not sure if that's my first or not but that's the only one I can rmb from my childhood days)
029. Concert: Kindy concert...
030. First crush: None of your bussiness,lolx!
049. Eating: ntg,zip,nada!
050. Drinking: ain't drinking neither
052. I'm about to: go crazy from the immense heat
058. Want kids: perhaps...
059. Want to get married: Obviously
060. Careers in mind: Author
Which one is better.........................
068. Lips or eyes: Eyes
069. Hugs or kisses: hugs
070. Shorter or taller: Shorter,lolx
072. Romantic or spontaneous: Both
074. Sensitive or loud: Eh....sensitive????
075. Trouble maker or hesitant: Deff trouble maker
Have you ever.......................
078. Kissed a stranger: for wat??
079. Drank bubbles: NO
080. Lost glasses/contacts: No
081. Ran away from home: NO
082. Liked someone younger: No
083. Liked someone older: Obviously
084. Broken someone's heart: Yes
085. Been arrested: Over what offence? I ain't no convict!
087. Cried when someone died: SHUT UP! You're gonna make me cry!
Do you believe in..................
089. Yourself: Yes
090. Miracles: It is an option
092. Heaven: Kind of
093. Santa Claus: Use to
095. Magics:Nothing but your eyes playing tricks on you
096. Angels: Probably
Answer Truthfully....................
097. Is there one person you want to be right now: Yes
099. Do you believe in God: Yea
100. Tag 5 people:
a) Chloe
b) Eilyn
c) Chia Lynn
d) Chia Yi
e) Joyce
For all you FT Island and Kpop Fans in Malaysia! Debating whether to go to FT Island's 1st Live Concert on our very own shores? Well look no further as C.I. Entertainment is having an exclusive promotion for all fans on 14 March 2008 (Friday) aka White Day in Korea!
Simply walk into the Ticketcharge head office at The Boulevard, Mid Valley between 12.30 PM to 1.30 PM and between 4.30 PM to 5.30 PM to get a BUY ONE FREE ONE ticket to Zone C!
Furthermore, walk in at any time of the day from 8.30 AM to 5.30 PM to get 20% off tickets to Zone A, Zone B, Zone D, Zone E and Zone F!
Not only that, maybe some of you have noticed posters of FT Island in certain shops at some shopping malls. Want a copy of that poster for yourself? Come during this promotion period and buy tickets to receive your free poster!In case you're not sure on what zone tickets to buy, here is the official seating plan:

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Apparerntly I have nothing to blog about but crazy Valerie wants me to update for whatever reason I don't know.
So Val,what in the world you want me to update for,huh???
Oh well,let's see...
Last night went QB with dad and bro.
Ate at Sushi King!!!
Yummy salmon~~
Later on,went to shop alone,
I headed over to Holland Fries,
This time I ordered their signature chicken meat sauce since I wanted sour cream but it's been sold out!
And I bought mayonaise for mummy since soure cream and wasabi mayonaise is also out!
It's yummy!!
You guys should try it someday!
It's on the same floor as GSC
After my french fries feast I went to MyNews and bought E-pop and Color magazine.
E-pop got contest to get FT Island concert tickets!
Oh,and later I went to bodyglove and bought a wallet,(will upload pics l8r)
and at the front display they hung a banner of FT Island in conjunction with their Asia Tour,
Bodyglove is one of the sponsors!
Oh oh,and if you're a bodyglove member,you purchase stuff over RM120 you stand a chance to win FT Island concert tickets,if you're not a member you have to purchase over RM150!
So those that want the tickets and don't want to pay,
You can try your luck at Bodyglove outlets or purchase a E-pop magazine!
That's all for my lame forced update.
-Signing off-
I'm finally back with an update after my modem died on me about a week ago???
So anyways,
Results are out, so far the results are okay...
But it can still be improved if I don't do last minute studying,*blush*
Okay,so here are the results I got so far,
It sucks I know,but still...IT'S SECONDARY LIFE!
Science : 80%
English : 92%
BM : 75%
Maths : 79%
Moral : 62%
Geography : 74%
Yup,that's my results so far,
Still missing Art,History and K.H
Been doing loads of marching practice lately for sports day,
I'm representing Red Crescent!
So as you know,marching only gives you one thing in return....
That's exactly what's happening to me now...
But for the sake of RC,it's worth it!
And missing classes is well...
Fun? lolx...
Okay,maybe not fun but still...I'm a Form 2 student that doesn't enjoy studying as much as some people,
So marching is a escape route.
-Signing off-