Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Hallo!!!So happy today.Want to know why? Yup,because it's Aaron's birthday! Happy birthday Aaron! Lolx,seems like I'm more excited about his birthday instead of mine.Oh well,lol.I seem hyper today.Hahahaha!

Am listening to S.H.E's concert in HK during 2006.Lolx.Neways, nothing exciting about today besides the fact that It's Ya Lun's birthday! I wonder what he's doing at the moment....*Starts thinking* Oh,did I space out? Anyways, like I said I have nothing much to write cause there is nothing much happening today.

Hehex....Oh yea!And Fahrenheit's MV 小小大人物 that is coming out soon is really really nice! Haha,and Ya Lun looks so cute in it! I feel like hugging him and pinching his cheeks! The MV is really really cute! Jiro's really funny in it as well.Lolx....Now I'm stuck to the MV!I can't stop watching it! Byez!Going to continue watching it.Haha,bye!

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