Friday, February 29, 2008
So happy,
Test is finally over!
Today's subjects were all driving me crazy!!!
I have something to share with you guys,
You see,I can't remember the kod warna for KH so Rebekah told me a way to remember it,
I swear,you'll deff remember it this way.
Here's how it goes.
Harry - Hitam
Pergi - Perang
Makan - Merah
Jelly - Jingga
Kuning - Kuning
Hingga - Hijau
Berak - Biru
Until - Ungu
Ka Chui - Kelabu
Pecah - Putih
I applied that during the test and I totally remembered everyone of it.
So useful,
But when it came to the calculation part....
I got stuck somewhere at the end...sobs..that sucked!
Pedagangan and Masakan was okay though..
Seni is erm...okay too I guess.
The topic for the drawing was easy,so yea...
It sucked like hell!
When it came to the dates and peristiwa,
I just simply answer!
I hardly know a thing about it!
I'm going to totally get bad grades for that!
Anyways,worst of all!
Somebody said that our class alot of people FAILED B.M!!!
I'm so darn afraid!!!
I don't want to fail!
Oh god....
-Signing Off-
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Second day of test is over,
Just one more day and three more papers to go!!!
Can't wait...
Correction,can wait!!
Tomorrow got Sejarah!!!
And I'm still not sure about who the hell William Of Orange exactly is...
And a whole lot of things as well!!!
Got to study after this post.
Anyways,back to today.
Moral was well.....okay,I guess.
I can't exactly sort the definations out but I hope I did well...
And English was okay as well.
The summary topic was a little erm...too complicating?
And I couldn't exactly sort the points from the non-points,
So,Pn Gwee,I hope it's good enough for you.
Please don't fail me!
And Science was...sobs sobs...
Okay,okay don't worry,
I could do most of it,
Just that my stupid itchy hands went and erased the right answer for two questions and changed it to something else!!!
And I lost 3 marks just like that..
Okay,enough of mopping around.
I have to go study my Sejarah and K.H and also my Art.
Shyt la....
Oh no!
God gracious~!
I really have to go study already.
-Signing Off-
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Hey,i've just destressed myself from today's Geography tension,lolx...
Cikgu Baiti decided on creating a whole test paper with only SUBJECTIVE questions,
So yea,I was freaking out.
I mean seriously man!
All subjective just gets my nerves crazy!
Anyways, BM was just as nuts,
The words that appeared on the paper were erm...Foreign???
I mean,I don't even know those words exist!
I just hope I do well...*Prays hard*
Okay,moving on...
It went okay I guess,
We got to use calculator for both paper 1 and 2...
So it was kind of easy.*Smiles*
I hope I can get 'A' for today's subjects!!!
Oh,and BM ringkasan was okay le...
I just hope that the 'Arrogant ST Georges Girl' will accept it and give me a friggin 'A'!!
You can never predict that friggin teacher...
She just somehow gets on my nerves..
Anyways,so much for todays update!
I got to go study my Science & Moral for tomorrow!!
And am looking forward to the English paper as well.
Just,I don't want my KH and Sejarah paper to come on Friday!
It's too soon.
I mean,there's William Of Orange,Stamford Raffles,Francis Light and some other dead people that I friggin forgot their names...
This is driving me crazy...*Faints*
-Signing Off-
Monday, February 25, 2008
Well,it's like that.
Last Wednesday,in school.
'SHE' entered my class and blab about how she's from St Georges and bla bla bla...
Well god cares what EFFIN school she's from cause she's just making that school seem stupid! (No offence to St George students)
Okay,okay,back to main topic.
Well,where was I?
Oh yea!
Wednesday she asked us to prepare the Kapten Hassan Wira Bangsa synopsis by CHAPTER!
And my group got chapter 18,
So,I'm the one stuck with the mahjong paper,
SO I have to write it out.
But that is fine,since it's for a good cause,
I get to know the chapter,
And then on FRIDAY!
The day she wanted us to present..
The first four groups presented and time ran out.
So,she said present on Monday.
Then,she said she prefered MIND MAP style so I had to go home and turn it to mind map style!
And I did that yesterday,cause we had to present today....
She FCUKIN din use it today!!!
And I could have used the time I used yesterday to write that out studying instead!
Worst of all my groupmate baked cup cakes as prizes for those that answer questions correctly,
And now,all she has is two boxes full of cup cakes that she won't be able to finish!
I feel so pissed right now!
Trainee teacher this days are all so fcuked up!
Damn,thats about all for my post today!
I'm so pissed I don't even have the mood to do my homework now!
Stupid teacher...
Who cares even if you're the queen of england's niece?
You can be god's daughter and I wouldn't care less!
-Signing Off-
Sunday, February 24, 2008
FT Island
FT Island
Hong Gi
Saturday, February 23, 2008
It's been a long time since I last blogged,
So I decided to blog today..
And please visit my Review & Challenge site
Temptation @
If you're a writer in winglin then please do support my site and spread the word to your friends!
For the time being,Temptations first featured theme is FT Island!
So,please do drop by and visit.
Affiliations are much welcome as well.
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hehe, today woke up at 9 smtg bathe,ate breakfast then waited for my mummy to bring me over to my aunt's house.
After that,my aunt briught me and my 2 cousins to the hair salon to have our hair cut.

Picture taken by my cousin! lol...
And ten after I cut my aunty oso wanna cut,
So we let her cut lo.
Her hair ended up plunging down a little too much....
But oh well,it's nice!Then after we all finished cutting our hairs,
We headed back to aunt's house.I went up to my cousins room and took some pics.
all korean astiste suddenly come out fot Fahrenheit there.
And now I'm too lazy to upload the rest so hehe,no need upload le...XD
Later on, we headed out to Gurney Plaza,
Actually only me,my aunt and one of my cousin went to Gurney Plaza.
My Uncle and other cousin went to Fitness.
In Gurney I bought......
Suang Mian Fei Lun Hai Qing Gong Gai Ban!!
The gai ban has finally reacher Malaysia!
Yay, for us!
The gai ban consist of the 13 songs in the Nan Hai and Nan Ren Ban as well as :
1.Xin Wo MV
2.Wei Ni Chun Zai MV
3.Ming Ri Xiang MV
4.Xin Li You Shu MV
5. And behind the scenes!
It cost RM 44.90
But the person gave me a 11% discount!
So happy!!!
Anyways, I've got to go now.
It's really late now.
Good night peeps!
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008
Wu Ke Qu Dai - S.H.E
I have learnt a really important thing from S.H.E.
I finally realise what 'TRUE FRIENDSHIP' means....
True friendship,is a bond between friends that is strong and will withstand all obstacles in it's path together.
Some people may say "We're going to be BFF(best friends forever)" but in a few weeks or months time they just drift away from you...
This is not the meaning of friendship!
Friendship is to be there for the other when she/he is in trouble or is down.
True friends stick with you when you're in trouble while fake friends dissapear when you're in trouble.
You may have hundreds of friends or even more but what's the use if they aren't true friends?
While you can only have 2 or 3 true friends that will be there for you through thick and thin,sharing your happiness and sadness,
That's the true meaning of friendship....
You don't have to tell anyone that you're going to be BFF's,
All you have to do is just to show it...
Friendship is a precious thing,
Treasure it!
PS : To my friends.If I have ever offended you in any way possible, I apologise.
S.H.E (Selina,Hebe,Ella)
These three girls have been together for 8 years including 2008,
Their friendship is as strong as our million year old mountains,
In the past 7 years(not including 2008)
S.H.E has released 10 albums.
Girl's Dorm(in memory of the time they were living together in the same dorm room)
-Not Yet Lovers (戀人未滿)
-Beauty Up My Life
-Fridge (冰箱)
-Too Much
-Are You All Right(你還好不好)
-Someone Loves You Instead of Me (替我愛你)
-He is Him (他就是他)
-Don't (別)
-Forgotten to Forget about You (忘記把你忘記)
Youth Society
-Message of Blessedness (幸福留言)
-Give Me More (給我多一點)
-Tropical Rain Forest(熱帶雨林)
-Remember to Forget (記得要忘記)
-Scarf (圍巾)
-Requirement of Loving Me (愛我的資格)
-Hypnotism (催眠術)
-I've Never Been to Me
-Beautiful New World (美麗新世界)
-Where's Love (愛呢)
-Watch Me Shine
-If You're Happy, Then I'll Be Pleased (你快樂我隨意)
-Ocean of Love (愛情的海洋)
-Yes I Love You
-Nothing Ever Changes
-Woman In Love
-Fascination (魔力)
Together(Compilation Album)
-Always on My Mind
-White Love Song (白色戀歌)
-When the Angels Sing (天使在唱歌)
-I Have a Date with Blessedness (我和幸福有約定)
-Beauty up My Life
-Not Yet Lovers (戀人未滿)
-Genesis (美麗新世界)
-Tropical Rain Forest (熱帶雨林)
-Where's Love (愛呢)
-Watch Me Shine
-Fridge (冰箱)
-Are You All Right (你還好不好)
-Ocean of Love (愛情的海洋)
-Requirement of Loving Me (愛我的資格)
Super Star
-August,22,2003 (Was suppose to be August 6 but because of Ella's injury the release was postponed)
-Super Star
-Far Away (遠方)
-Norse Mythology (北歐神話)
-Half-Sugarism (半糖主義)
-River Shore Park (河濱公園)
-Yearning For Each Other Muchly (長相思)
-Heavy Rain (落大雨)
-Smile of Summer (夏天的微笑)
-You're too Honest (你太誠實)
Magical Journey
-"Persian Cat" (波斯貓, Bo Si Mao)
-"Ten-Sided Ambush" (十面埋伏, Shi Mian Mai Fu)
-"He Still Can't Understand" (他還是不懂, Ta Hai Shi Bu Dong)
-"Only Lonely"
-"Can't Find it" (找不到, Zhao Bu Dao)
-"Five Days and Four Nights" (五天四夜, Wu Tian Si Ye)
-"A Safe Sense" (安全感, An Quan Gan)
-"Never mind"
-"Story of Romeo and Juliet" (茱羅記, Zhu Luo Ji)
-"The Journey of Us From the Beginning" (一起開始的旅程, Yi Qi Kai Shi De Lu Cheng)
-"Migratory Bird" (候鳥) - 4:44
-"Piquancy" (痛快) - 3:19
-"Don't Say Sorry" (別說對不起) - 3:52 (Cover of Britney Spears' Everytime)
-"I Love You" (我愛你) - 3:55
-"Matador's Song" (鬥牛士之歌) - 3:50
-"Just Fit" (對號入座) - 4:04
-"Protection Such As Golden Shield Plus Iron Cloth" (金鐘罩鐵布衫) - 4:05
-"Female Androcentrism" (大女人主義) - 3:59
-"Absent" (不在場) - 4:32
-"Keep Smiling" (保持微笑) - 4:21
Once Upon A Time
-Don't Wanna Grow Up (不想長大) - 3:46
-Super Model - 3:36
-Not Gonna Be Your Friend (不作你的朋友) - 3:58
-Grey Sky (天灰) - 4:03
-Laurel Tree Goddess - Daphne (月桂女神) - 5:13
-Oasis (綠洲) - 4:30
-Thank You for Letting Me Love You (謝謝你讓我愛過你) - 4:15
-Good People Will Rewarded in Kind (好人有好抱) - 4:43
-Sharpshooter (神槍手) - 3:40
-Fires of Heaven (星星之火) - 4:47
Forever(Compilation Album)
-Electric Shock (觸電)
-Ring Ring Ring
-What has happened to us (我們怎麼了)
-Wisteria (紫藤花)
-Goodbye My Love
-Super Star
-Gray Sky(天灰)
-Solo Madrigal - Selina's duet with Tank (獨唱情歌)
-Flowers Have Blossomed (花都開好了)
-Migratory Bird (候鳥)
-Don't Wanna Grow Up (不想長大)
-Persian Cat (波斯貓)
-He Still Doesn't Understand (他還是不懂)
-Starlight (星光)
-A Vision Of Eternity (一眼萬年)
-Laurel Tree Goddess-Daphne (月桂女神)
-Piquancy (痛快)
-Chinese Language (中國話)
-Thanks for Your Gentleness (feat. Fahrenheit) (謝謝你的溫柔)
-Listen to Yuan Wei-jen Play Guitar (聽袁惟仁彈吉他)
-May Day (五月天)
-Excuses (藉口)
-See You, Cambridge (再別康橋)
-London Bridge Is Falling Down (倫敦大橋垮下來)
-Say You Love Me (說你愛我)
-Good Mood - Just Be Yourself (好心情Just be yourself)
-Wifey (老婆)
After years of being together,
Selina,Hebe and Ella are just like married couples...
Going through thick and thin together,
They have gained confidence,trust and comfort from each other.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
We went there to watch Kung Fu Dunk,
Release Date :
7 February 2008
Language :
Classification :
Running Time :
1 hour 38 minutes
Director :
YinPing Chu
Starring :
-Jay Chou as Shi-Jie
-Charlene Choi as Lily/Li-Li
-Eric Tsang as Wang Li
-BoLin Chen as Ting Wei
And introducing newcomer :
-Baron Chen as Xiao Lan
Synopsis :
Shi-Jie (Jay Chou), grew up in a Martial Arts School. Hence he is well verse in Marital Arts especially Kung-fu. With his Kung-fu skills and his good reflex, Shi-Jie excels in basketball by mastering the slam dunk skill. On the pretext of helping Shi-Jie find his family, Wang-Li (Eric Tsang) invited him to join a university’s basketball team in hopes of making money of it.There Shi-Jie faces new challenges by finding his place on the basketball team with team mates Ting-Wei (Bo-Lin Chen) and Xiao-Lan (Baron Chen).With upcoming Basketball championship games and appearance of Li-Li (Charlene Choi), will the team be able to put aside their difference and personal emotions for the love of the game.
This show is deffinietly worth watching!
It has comedy as well as action!
A garantee that you will be satisfied after watching!
So,do head over to your nearest cinema and get your tickets to watch Kung Fu Dunk!
Before entering the cinema,
I spotted Holland's Fries!!
I was so damn happy when I saw it.
I didn't know that Holland Fries is available in Queensbay!
I ate the Holland Fries with Tartar sauce!
I wanna try Holland Fries with Sour Cream the next time I get one!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
I just watched CJ7 and it's so darn nice!
You guys should watch it too!
The alien is so darn cute!
It's so cute that I want it for myself as well..lolx!
Synopsis :
A fantasy tale featuring state of the art visual effects, CJ7 is a comedy about a poor laborer father played by STEPHEN CHOW and his young son. When a fascinating and strange new pet enters their lives, they learn a poignant lesson about the true nature of family and the things money can’t buy.
Details :
Release Date
7 February 2008
Running Time
Stephen Chow
Stephen Chow, Kitty Zhang Yu Qi.
Watch the trailer at :
Boredom Activity
Today went to school as usual,
During science i got so bored i started to past notes with lyn!
What we talked about are listed below!
Jus incase if i don't come to school tomorrow,can you collect the pics from them,take a pic of it and to me?
Lols...kays...why not coming? I know just in case but why la not coming?
lol...i lz come to skool.make excuse.hehe *blush blush*
ahah...okays verny!!
-.-" f la! dun call me verny! oh yea,i gt xanga.hehe
whoosh! cool! i used to have but multiply better.VERNY!! oh whadda heck VERNY!!XD
i gt multiply but nick is the same as blog.
O.o you likey Val? She's nutty!
Yeh,she's sister like sister =X
hahaha!! You like our bickering?You like our aaronising?
it's amusing =D
haha! Ain't she cute? besides her being an Aaron perv. XD
LOL!!Yeh she's aite.cute la.when does she normally go online??I wanna to her weii.she's adorable =D
haha,she is extremely adorable!She very omg wan la.She oways go on9 but appear off9 wan.
lol tell her i wanna talk to her more.she darn adorable weii
fine,fine.i'll sms and tell her today then
ahh,kay.=] she's a fun
she bloody knows how to argue wit me
ahah.and it's fun to watch
stup la u! she wanna snatch my beloved AYYL
ahah.both of you ah....
our beloved mer!
ahahs...okay okay....
she kept on blaming me for leaving you out!
and she loves making me jealous!
ahah...racist verny!! XD
....You're suppose to be on my side,not Val's!
lol...okay okay...VERNY =X
stupid! you call me verny and val calls me yvonney we pakat call you ver-vonney! LMAO! Lame weii
you bloody edelyn-oi!
lol kay la. won't la...kay??
GOOD! tat girl stupiak la.Wanna go home bully her and sms me wifey.hehe
your wifey is...?ask her text me.I wan talk to her =)
me wifey is Chloe.Fine,I'll ask her to text
but she sometimes wyn reply wan,lol.Ten you can ask her if she has gone "chuck-koo"
"CHUCK-KOO"? isn't it cuckoo??O.o
Is my way mer!
LMAO! okaay....
lol, tats teh end of our past time activity for today!
hope you guys enjoyed reading it,lolx...
buh byez!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Forever Aaron Yan's Singapore FC!!

Friday, February 1, 2008
Ming Ri Xiang
Fahrenheit has once again released a new MV.
Yup,it's MIng Ri Xiang!
They look so happy and carefree in the MV!
Not to mention cute too~!
So,do remember to watch their MV,k?
Petty Matters That Leads To Arguments
I'm pissed at the childish behaviour of 'some' people!
I thought they were freinds but in the end because of some petty matter they go all pointing fingers and vulgar words.
I mean,oh come on!
It's jus a stupid school competition!
Chill man!
Don't get your panties in a twist!